Re: CTHD: Truth in Labelling Campaign

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 15:44:34 MDT

Samantha Atkins wrote:
> Mike Lorrey wrote:
> > Hal Finney wrote:
> >>
> >>...I don't see why, of all the threats facing us in the world today,
> >>organic foods are high on the list! Why beat up on people who just want
> >>to eat healthy?
> >>
> >
> > The 'organics' industry is the core of unscientific luddism. The claim
> > that 'organic' food is any healthier than other food of the same species
> > and breed is entirely unsupported by scientific evidence. The industry
> If it has been grown without pesticides there is some reasonable
> argument that it may indeed be healthier eathing. How much
> healthier is open to debate. Also there is good argument that
> ranch raised livestock are healither to eat than ones from
> factory farms. It cannot all be dismissed as "unscientific
> luddism".

Yet the "organic" industry refuses to allow farmers who do not use
pesticides, but do use all natural human excrement to fertilize, to
call their food 'organic', and write their laws to prevent biosolids
fertilizers to be used by 'organic' farmers.

> > is at the core of using anti-technology scare tactics to boost the
> > perceived value of its products to the consumer, and organic farmers are
> This is way over the top and totally unsubstantiated.

Look at all of the writers and promoters of organic farming books,
owners of organic farms, they are unanimously members of luddite groups
that propagandize the hysteria against use of fertilizer and pesticides,
against GMO crops, if not high ranking officers.

The fellow in Oregon who hosts the ALF/ELF websites and gives 'talks' to
campus groups of luddite saboteurs is an organic farmer, as just one

> > the grassroots of support for luddite terrorists, providing an
> > underground railroad for transportation, shelter and off-books
> > employment of individuals engaged in luddite terrorism.
> >
> More of the same. Be extremely careful how you toss around the
> word "terrorism". It can come back to bite you if you add to
> its cheapening and pasting onto anything the speaker disagrees with.

I've already been called a terrorist by the media, the DNC, and people
like yourself for my own simple advocacy of 2nd amendment rights. If
anybody has cheapened the term, it isn't me.

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