Re: Whaaa...?

From: Edmund Grech (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 07:46:03 MDT

Chuck Kuecker wrote:

> It's not so much the tech - it's the logistics. Kind of like "1984"'s
> telescreens - how could they ever monitor ALL of them?
> I would believe they have to capability to monitor any given line at a
> moment's notice - perhaps hundreds of thousands at once - but this is a
> cry form recording every word.

KPJ wrote:

I guess the domestic surveillence in the U.S. does not include all phone
calls. Yet.

As I understand what data I have read on Echelon it was/is the worlds first
partial intelligence; not an AI, but rather a very complicated program such
as to yield intelligent decision making. Whilst it doesn't listen to all
phones everywhere all the time, it will at one point or another check them
all and flag any number of lines where appropriate keywords were used, and
focus on them able (I heard) to distinguish use of language for debate or
serious conversation. After this point it dumps it out to the human
component. It also employs advanced algorithms to narrow its search to
probable areas in interest, and doesn't need to be guided into foriegn
networks if it choses to sniff into them (provided it's there's the physical
link for it to do so of course)

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