Re: IP sniffing (was:Re: Whaaa...?)

From: KPJ (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 05:36:30 MDT

It appears as if <> wrote:
|Mike Lorrey wrote:
|> ... If you are attached directly to the backbone,
|> you can sniff any and all packets that pass along that backbone.
|This is true, sort of. But essentially all modern backbone connections
|are point-to-point between routers belonging to major ISPs or carriers,
|who can tap the traffic in the router.

You can always copy all incoming traffic to a local sniffer segment, and
place your sniffer equipment on that segment. Tapping traffic in the
router slows down the router. Tappers usually wish to keep the tapping
secret. Naturally, you can use a special hardware card to do the tapping
for you. Expensive, though.

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