RE: Whaaa...?

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Sun Apr 28 2002 - 02:44:15 MDT

On Sun, 28 Apr 2002, Reason wrote:

> So now we imagine a world ten years down the line in which it's
> biostuff or nanostuff instead of just computer stuff that interests
> those annoyed individuals...

Do you envision a 1 k$ DNA synthesizer to be offered at Wal-Mart within
the next decades? Or restriction enzymes and electrophoresis kits sold
next to the Coors sixpacks and the barbecue gear? Nevermind that computers
are self-documenting, whereas lab skills are not. Plus, your projects
typically take years to generate a relatively trivial result. No average
highschooler has this much patience.

The whole cyberwar issue is a complete red herring. Minimal diversity
(about 5 systems derived from different roots), each system having a
security comparable to OpenBSD and issuing smartcards to PINheads who
apparently can't handle passwords would prevent >99% of all break-ins.

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