POLITICS: Re: grim prospects

From: Brian D Williams (talon57@well.com)
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 07:37:33 MDT

>From: jeff davis <jrd1415@yahoo.com>

>In one of the darkest of possible ironies, though not the least
>bit surprising, the israelis are gradually turning into nazis.

You may have "Hitlered" out already....

John Clark can I get a ruling?

>The Palestinians, as long as they draw breath, utterly refuse to
>allow the theft of their land, their dispossession and
>humiliation, to be universally legitimized and propagandistically

The Israelis didn't steal it, they bought it, and paid top dollar.
The reason the Palestinians are currently dispossessed is because
they lost their land trying to destroy Israel.

The reason they haven't regained any is because they are still
attempting to destroy Israel.

The real fact of the matter is that the other Arab countries
ordered them to leave so they could attack Israel. They were told
any Arabs found living there would be considered traitors. They
also promised that they could keep the Israelis property after they
were destroyed. Didn't work out that way...

I also note you failed to mention that 820,000 Jews were kicked out
of their homes in surrounding Arab countries and their property
confiscated. 546,000 were resettled in Israel with no more than the
cloths on their backs, and at great expense.

Throttle back on the rhetoric.

>"The Rules" of war are "there are no rules". It is anecdotal that
>the British said, "Oh those dishonorable colonial terrorists (ie
>Americans-to-be), they hide behind trees and wear clothing that
>makes it hard for them to be seen clearly. They don't fight by
>the rules." Get a clue. It's utterly ridiculous to think that
>the west or the us or the israelis can make "the rules" for the
>Palestinians. If you want them to fight by the rules, give them
>tanks and planes and nuclear weapons, I'm sure they'll use them to
>fight with. In the meantime, the war will go on, with the
>Palestinians fighting however they can until they say it is
>over,...or until they are dead to the last fertile female. This
>last, the "final solution", is where the israelis will have to go,
>so long as they refuse to admit to the world that the creation of
>the state of israel, (check the FACTS out for yourself, start with
>the creation of the Balfour Declaration) fait accompli though it
>may be, is nevertheless a geopolitical crime.


I just finished a history of the conflict and the reasons behind it
are nothing like the propaganda you are trying to disseminate.

It's funny how the anti-Israeli world insists the Israelis play by
some ridiculous rules while the Palestinians get to do whatever,
including terrorism.

Since our recognition of the PLO and Yassir Arafat was based on
their renunciation of terror, and they have resumed their terrorist
ways, (like they ever stopped!) the logical thing to do is rescind
our recognition of them.


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