Re: POLITICS: Re: grim prospects

From: jeff davis (
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 13:03:55 MDT


--- Samantha Atkins <> wrote:
> Yes. It is one of many utterly reprehensible things
> that Israel
> is doing. If these things were being done by any
> other country
> (besides ourselves) we would be in a major uproar.
> - samantha
> Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> > All of these hypothetical situations are missing
> the point. Israel has
> > authorized the use of deadly force against
> reporters to enforce their
> > news blackout. This is not a case of mistaken
> identity, collateral
> > damage, or inadvertent damage being done by the
> reporters. The Israeli
> > government admits and defends their use of deadly
> force to force
> > reporters out of the area.

In one of the darkest of possible ironies, though not
the least bit surprising, the israelis are gradually
turning into nazis.

The Palestinians, as long as they draw breath, utterly
refuse to allow the theft of their land, their
disposession and humiliation, to be universally
legitimized and propagandistically whitewashed.

"The Rules" of war are "there are no rules". It is
anecdotal that the British said, "Oh those
dishonorable colonial terrorists (ie Americans-to-be),
they hide behind trees and wear clothing that makes it
hard for them to be seen clearly. They don't fight by
the rules." Get a clue. It's utterly ridiculous to
think that the west or the us or the israelis can make
"the rules" for the Palestinians. If you want them to
fight by the rules, give them tanks and planes and
nuclear weapons, I'm sure they'll use them to fight
with. In the meantime, the war will go on, with the
Palestinians fighting however they can until they say
it is over,...or until they are dead to the last
fertile female. This last, the "final solution", is
where the israelis will have to go, so long as they
refuse to admit to the world that the creation of the
state of israel, (check the FACTS out for yourself,
start with the creation of the Balfour Declaration)
fait accompli though it may be, is nevertheless a
geopolitical crime.


PS I'm vacationing in Baja, and am writing this from
the Loreto internet cafe. So I'm only intermittently
able to be in touch. Kayaks, fishing, sunscreen, et
al. No grim news,...that is till now. Wish you were

Best, Jeff Davis

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

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