Re: anti-Semitism or anti-Israel or both?

Date: Sun Apr 14 2002 - 22:48:11 MDT

IL Professori noted:
<<Down with Israel," "Down, down U.S.A." and "Jihad!" or holy war.
Protesters carried signs reading "Free Palestine --
Victory to the Intifada.">>

In a simple response, yes to both. The excuses always change, the real reason
never does ;-) I note that the Euro-Left has now become the flag-carrier for
Jew hatred (masked by the anti-Israel figleaf). As far as the attack in the
Ukraine, as mentioned by the good, Professor, that seems to be traditional
Jew hatred, and nothing more or less-probably on the skinhead model.

The daily attacks in France are mostly that of Islamic, North Africans (10%
of France's pop). In the UK, it is Muslims that spearhead the protest,
probably assisted by leftist, anti-globalists, and other commies, etc.

My point in response to the professor, is that excuses will always change and
the real reason, never does. I am not sure that most of the people,
especially the founders of this list will wish to see us focus on this
subject, on this list (it could be the co-equal of gun ownership thread!).

I will respond, a few times, to the expected responses, in disagreement to my
position, however, I will not attempt to make a spirited defense, since that
is not my principle reason for being present here. I am lousy at public
relations and politics, and articulating such views. I do like Charles
Krauthammer's views and tend to see him as one of the more insightful
journalists (in my opinion).

I will state (not that this matters much to most readers) that I am farther
and farther right, since the initiation of Intifada˛ and I used to be a
contibutor to Peace Now, for those who might care what that organization is
or was.

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