From: Dan Clemmensen (dgc@cox.rr.com)
Date: Sat Apr 13 2002 - 16:07:47 MDT

spike66 wrote:

> Eugen Leitl wrote:
>> Um, please don't compare apples with wombats here...
> Hey, yea, wombats! Is a wombat big enough to carry a camera
> into a battle zone? Great idea Gene! Isn't that one of those Australia
> things? Has anyone ever actually *seen* a wombat? Are there any
> wombat preservation societies? spike
I was hoping that one of our Australians would comment.

We Americans do not have an understanding of Australian wildlife.
The following may be incorrect. It comes from fuzzy recollections of
a brief trip to Australia in the early '80s.

Wombats are about the size and shape of a medium-sized pig. They
are slow-moving and are not considered to be very smart: calling
someone a wombat is NOT a compliment. Australians on the east
cost run into wombats on the highways approximately as often as
we in the suburban Washington DC area run into deer. However,
since wombats are considerably heavier and more compact than deer,
the damage to vehicles is considerably more severe.

If we are going to use Australian wildlife as battlefield observers,
I thinks wallabies are a better choice.

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