Re: White Power Transhumanism?

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 12:55:59 MDT

On Friday, April 12, 2002, at 01:09 pm, Mike Lorrey wrote:

> But who decides? The Southern Poverty Law Center? If you ask them, all
> extropians are racists, members of a cult. Does that mean they are
> right?
> Groups like Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, and even Jesse
> Jackson's Rainbow PUSH group all believe a mythology that civilization
> is an invention of the black race which has been stolen from them by
> northern white barbarians who trod them down and enslaved them. If that
> isn't a racist mythology, I don't know what is.
> With the current slavery reparations movement, the common mythology is
> that it was the slaves who built America, and the rest of us honkeys
> just sat around watching, so we owe them ownership of everything we
> have. This is similarly a racist mythology.

Agreed. I don't dispute anything you say above.

> I'd say instead that the guilty rich liberal elites that control the
> media and DNC politics have programmed society into looking at these
> groups this way.

Mike, when are you going to give up these simplistic unified conspiracy
theories? Most people are idiots. You don't need a massive conspiracy
and cover-up to explain how they got that way. Most people are
self-centered uncaring clods who are too busy watching Jerry Springer to
investigate what is really going on. They aren't savvy thinkers who
have been mass-brain-washed in some massive global conspiracy. They
fail to meet your lofty expectations, so you concoct an elaborate
unlikely conspiracy to explain the failure. A sadder but simpler
explanation is more likely.

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