Re: POLITICS: Re: grim prospects

Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 12:38:18 MDT

In a message dated 4/12/02 9:14:09, writes:

>I'm not a soldier, Harvey, but from what I know about war, if you
>deliberately wander into a combat zone, anything that happens to you is
>own damn fault - it is not reasonable to ask soldiers to wait five seconds
>before pulling the trigger.

That's not the issue. The Israelis are *deliberately* firing at people they
*know* to be reporters. They are excluding reporters who are fully
aware of the risks and ready to take them. On a separate issue, I think
it's fully reasonable for a soldier in an area with both hostiles and innocent
to consider before pulling the trigger. Hazard to yourself doesn't justify
blowing away people arbitrarily. If there *might* be a home invader in
my apartment I can't just grab a submachine gun and fire away, regardless
of what happens to the people next door protected by plasterboard.

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