Re: POLITICS: Re: grim prospects

From: Alfio Puglisi (
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 10:20:28 MDT

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Harvey Newstrom wrote:

>I guess I am going to drop this thread. I apparently am the only person
>who is disturbed by the idea that we should kill reporters to keep bad
>press from being reported.

Not the only one. If it was possible, I would put a TV-camera on the
helmet of every soldier, broadcast it worldwide, and record on tape. Then,
after the war, review them and hold the shooter liable for any

After all, a human being is not infinetely reliable, moreso
with a rifle in his hands in split-haired situations like the ones that
he will encounter in the battle field. We think "guilty" about people who
kill other people in car accidents, usually due to some errors in their
driving. I don't see why during a war these rules should be changed.


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