Re: POLITICS: Re: grim prospects

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 12:01:12 MDT

On Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 02:55 am, spike66 wrote:
>>> Harvey Newstrom wrote: This surprises me.
>>> There are hundreds of examples where military claims were later shown
>>> to be false by the press...
> The term lie and false may not be perfectly applicable to
> either the military or the press. Is camoflage a lie?

I don't see how this is on topic. Nobody is claiming that camoflage is
unethical or is a lie.

> With the press, I see what appears not so much
> out and out lying as a more or less constant spinning
> of the news to favor one's political viewpoint.

Every news organization seems to be biased toward their political
viewpoint. Some are merely slanted, whereas others seem to deliberately
manufacture the news. However, I do not believe that they are all
coordinated into a single conspiracy. I believe that anybody can get
the truth if they want to. Those who latch on to their one slanted news
source do so because it agrees with their own slant.

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