Re: Hey, a sunshine-y morning with no spam

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 12:14:04 MDT

On Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 10:31 am, Brian D Williams wrote:

>> From: Harvey Newstrom <>
>> Nice. I have a phone system that does this. It silently answers
>> the phone and tells solicitors that I am not interested in their
>> phone call and to please take me off their list. If they are not
>> a solicitor, they are told to hold on while the phone rings for
>> me. I get dozens of solicitors per day, but none have come
>> through this device in over a year.
> You have a system that does this?
> I be curious to know the make and model.

It is a Pre-Fone Filter at <>. We love it. We
never hear the phone ring with solicitors. Only legitimate phone calls
get through. We have not had a sales call in over a year.

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