RE: Hey, a sunshine-y morning with no spam

From: dr d b karron (
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 01:09:34 MDT

One reason I lurk on some of these very good groups is after I post
something to a usnet group or mailing list, my spam exponent increments
by "i".

Running my own SMTP mail server seems to be the only solution.
I tried spamcop and such, but it was like spitting into the wind.

I will look at Spambouncer (or have my students do it) when we setup our
own little domain for real.

But, I do read this group, and I use some of this material in my classes
(I teach bioinformatics).

Dr D B Karron, Chief Technical Officer
Computer Aided Surgery Inc

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Amara Graps
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: Hey, a sunshine-y morning with no spam

>In contrast, the support for the MAPS Realtime Black Hole List and
>Relay Spam Stopper (which were free before Aug. 1, 2001) could be
>"built into" the "sendmail" step which would allow it to reject the
>messages as they were received.

There's a lot more that spambouncer provides regarding MAPS support and
checking for IPs with Open Relays. I haven't tried any of that, yet.
Maybe that goes part-way to answer what you want too.


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