Re: White Power Transhumanism?

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 17:54:05 MDT

On Tuesday, April 09, 2002 5:30 PM Randy Smith
> And I doubt that they are equal, in most biologically quantitative
> For example, there are many general biologically measurable
differences btw
> races. Africans have higher serum testosterone levels. Their ear wax
> different. Europeans in general have hair colors markedly different
> any other race. Amerinds are genetically disposed to diabetes. I would
> be at all surprised if there are small IQ differences in the races.
> TEMPERAMENT is far more determinative of many types of success. Any
> ape expert will tell you that the chimp is more intelligent than the
> orangutan, but that the orang is more successful at most tasks b/c of
> calmer temperament.
> I am QUITE SURE that there are significant genetic differences in
> temperament btw the races, but that individual differences are more
> important to..individuals.

That's true. It mgiht be, for instance, that the average member of race
X has a higher IQ and is even smarter than the average member of race Y,
but this doesn't mean that particular members of X or Y always fit that
pattern. These are just aggregates and have all the problems of
aggregates. It's like average incomes among siblings in different
families. I know two such families. One consists of two sisters and
one brother (family A), the other of two brothers (family B). Family
A's average income is actually higher than family B's, but one member of
family B actually makes almost four times what the other member does and
this is much higher than anyone in family A. Yeah, if you were pulling
siblings randomly out of a sack, it might be better to pull from family
A (I should also mention their incomes are closer to each others) than
B, but how many social situations amount to such randomness? What if,
e.g., your goal was to find an investor for your business? It might be
better to get to know family B better. Surely, one brother there is
probably not going to give you much more... than the ear of the other!:)



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