Re: White Power Transhumanism?

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 15:30:56 MDT

>From: "Damien R. Sullivan" <>
>Subject: Re: White Power Transhumanism?
>Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 13:26:02 -0700
>On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 11:14:26PM -0700, Zero Powers wrote:
> > Maybe you guys saw something I didn't. But I didn't come away with the
> > impression that it's a white power site. One of the qualities that
> > list as desirable for their members is a willingness to frankly discuss
> > issues of race. That, in my mind, does not a racist make. Most of what
>'For example, all (individual) people are not "created equal", and
>neither are racial groups.'

And I doubt that they are equal, in most biologically quantitative senses.
For example, there are many general biologically measurable differences btw
races. Africans have higher serum testosterone levels. Their ear wax is
different. Europeans in general have hair colors markedly different from
any other race. Amerinds are genetically disposed to diabetes. I would not
be at all surprised if there are small IQ differences in the races. But
TEMPERAMENT is far more determinative of many types of success. Any great
ape expert will tell you that the chimp is more intelligent than the
orangutan, but that the orang is more successful at most tasks b/c of its
calmer temperament.

I am QUITE SURE that there are significant genetic differences in
temperament btw the races, but that individual differences are more
important to..individuals.

>'PC is already seriously beginning to damage Western societies, one of
>the most blatant examples being South Africa, of course,'

Yep, and you can see the deleterious effects of PC right here on this
mailing list. It reminds me of a Seinfeld episode where one of the
characters is dating a man who could be part black, but no one is really
sure. One of the tag lines of the episode that arises whenever the
characters start discussing the issue at hand (whether the man is part
black) is "Should we be talking about this?" Straight outta _1984_....

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