Capitalism 101: was Re: Terror Kids...

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 15:24:38 MDT

> (Kai Becker <>):
> Am Sonntag, 7. April 2002 19:35 schrieb spike66:
> > Governments fight using bullets, corporations fight using dollars. I
> > prefer the latter. This whole globe should be ruled by capital, not
> > by governments. All tyranny voluntary, all rule systems voluntary.
> > Products to the market, not soldiers to the battlefield.
> The problem is, that business entities only aim to maximize their monetary
> win. This is perfectly okay, because that's what the investors (the
> capitalists) gave their money for. But it is also a positive feedback loop
> without any inbuild self-control regarding social aspects. And any system
> without a self-regulation, i.e. a negative feedback-factor, will finally
> end in a catastrophy.

By the very definition of "market", it is a negative feedback loop.
Businesses only make money by /persuading/ people to give it to them.
Feedback is precise, immediate, and accurate: every time I buy brand A
instead of brand B, I am saying that company A better serves /my/
goals. Now those goals might be a simple a effectively cleaning my
dishes, but they might also be for more what you would call socially
responsible reasons (and I would call simple ethics)--people can and
do buy products that pollute less, or from companies that support
causes they like, for example. I buy products made in China, for
example, and I don't rent John Travolta or Rene Zellweger movies on
the outside chance that some of my pennies might make their way to the
Church of Scientology.

Government, on the other hand, I only get to provide feedback to
every couple of years or so, and my feedback doesn't count at all
unless I happen to be aligned with the majority.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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