Re: Terror Kids With Bombs - Clash of Civilization ...

From: Kai Becker (
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 13:18:48 MDT

Am Sonntag, 7. April 2002 19:35 schrieb spike66:
> Governments fight using bullets, corporations fight using dollars. I
> prefer the latter. This whole globe should be ruled by capital, not
> by governments. All tyranny voluntary, all rule systems voluntary.
> Products to the market, not soldiers to the battlefield.

The problem is, that business entities only aim to maximize their monetary
win. This is perfectly okay, because that's what the investors (the
capitalists) gave their money for. But it is also a positive feedback loop
without any inbuild self-control regarding social aspects. And any system
without a self-regulation, i.e. a negative feedback-factor, will finally
end in a catastrophy.

> > This leads to a future neither democratic nor liberal.
> Which is not to say the future isnt good.

I sometimes wish, that all humans believe in reincarnation. It would only
need a simple calculation of probability - plus some pictures of any slum
in the world - to make a new humanist :-)

How do you like your new t-shirt "original childwork from India"?


== Kai M. Becker == == Bremen, Germany ==
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced"

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