Re: Terror Kids With Bombs - Clash of Civilization ...

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 03:26:41 MDT

Technotranscendence wrote:

> I've nothing against the free market, as all of you know, but it appears
> right now that Pentagon-connected businesses are thriving. There also
> seems to be a positive feedback loop between such things as arms sales
> and the Pentagon. Why is and has the US government been pushing arms
> sales to nations like Indonesia and Turkey -- where they are used to
> terrorize the populace?

And we also give a lot of arms outright to some nations,
including Israel. In the middle of this horrific action we just
shipped a bunch of brand new Black Hawks. "Stop" says Bush, and
by the way here are more attack helicopters in case you don't.
You sure need those to find caches of rifles and shutguns after
you have blown towns and residences apart. Yep, makes perfect
sense - no conflicting mesages here.

- samantha

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