Re: POLITICS: Re: grim prospects - US support of Israel vs. an Arabic coalition against Iraq/Iran and US dependence on Saudi Oil -

From: spike66 (
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 12:36:16 MDT

Kai Becker wrote:

>IMO, there is a "good" and a "bad" side, but the line goes right through
>the people there. I call people wanting to stop killing "good" and those
>wanting to continue killing "bad". This probaly puts most of the
>Israelian government plus(!) most of the Palestine leaders on the "bad"
Kai, I would agree with your definition of good and bad, but it
will not work for the court of world opinion. Your definition
would put the American government on the good side for its opposition
to the war. Evidently this is a logical contradiction: in the opinion
of Europe and perhaps much of the rest of the world, US must
automatically be defined as bad, regardless of its actions and regardless
of its opinions. The US is arrogant, you see, therefor it is bad, no
matter what it actually does, including aiding desperate and starving

For this reason, the definition of good and bad must remain fluid
enough to always drop the arrogant bastards in the bad category,
no matter who it forces into the good category. spike

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