Re: Terror Kids With Bombs - Clash of Civilization ...

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat Apr 06 2002 - 07:18:08 MST

dwayne wrote:
> "Michael M. Butler" wrote:
> >
> > Given that, if you want to figure out which party you were at: Where were you
> > when Russia started rolling into Poland? When Churchill delivered his "Iron
> > Curtain" speech? Or when the Wall went up? It was somewhere in there. If you
> > weren't born yet, I can understand why you might have missed it.
> Well, no, I was born in 68.
> But either way, it certainly wasn't a war, and if I was old enough to have
> been involved in world war 2 I'd be slightly offended at the comparison, I'd
> think.

I was born in 68 as well. I served in the US military, saw action, and I
can tell you that it really doesn't matter how big or hot a conflict is.
To the grunts fighting it on the front lines, there is no difference
between 'police actions', 'peacekeeping operations', 'counterinsurgency
advising', and out and out combat. It is your ignorant statements that
cheapen the sacrifices of those who actually gave enough of a damn.

> > I'd say "It's tragic as hell...[that] one [in Palestine] seems to [have
> > listened] to the last proposed Palestinian statehood proposal." And it's
> > tragic as hell that things have come to such a pass.
> Oh, yes, I agree totally.
> I'd also suggest that it's *exactly* the sort of outside meddling we've seen
> for years which has allowed it to go on for so long.

I don't recall any US or UN peacekeeping operations ever initiated in
Palestine, at least in the last several decades, so your statement is
baseless. The only outside meddling going on that hasn't contributed to
peace is the constant financing of terrorist palestinians by the arab

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