Re: POLITICS: grim prospects

From: R. Coyote (
Date: Thu Apr 04 2002 - 14:56:12 MST

And they say dont reward terrorist acts because it just encourages them

----- Original Message -----
From: "dwayne" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: POLITICS: grim prospects

> Brian D Williams wrote:
> > Bad news for the Sheik, he's as wrong as wrong as wrong can be, and
> > if he and his associates don't knock it off, they will either be in
> > jail, or dead wrong.
> It's nice to spout this sort of clever, sensible stuff, but it seems to me
> that the Palestinian's tactic of blowing themselves up and taking as many
> Israelis as possible with them HAS worked, rather well. It's gotten the
> attention of the world, a Palestinian state is now supported by most of
> world, it seems, and this was in the offing BEFORE the current Israeli
> invasion of palestinian territory.
> It seems to me that they have gotten what they wanted, world attention,
> now that the cat is out of the bag, how do you plan on putting it back?
> Dwayne

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