Re: Church of Extropy April Fool's message

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 12:07:23 MST

>>I was a bit disturbed by the number of people thinking this was a *good
>>idea*! To those folks -- please read the Extropian Principles to see why
>>extropian ideas are utterly unsuited to a religion.
> (Samantha)
> I've read them and I very much disagree. It depends on how
> narrow your notion of "religion" is. For some values of
> "religion" extropian principles would by quite centrally and
> well supported.

I'm with Samantha here, which is one reason I thought the joke
might be more interesting--because it's just on the edge of
plausibility. Except for silly things like belief in God,
dogmatic principles, and such, religion has much to recommend
it. I won't repeat my
page here, but I might well update it based on the reactions
to my joke. I rather like Curt's "Church of Human Potential"
name, for example.

And I'm definitely with Max that April Fool's Day should be
an important Extropian holiday, celebrating the facility of
the human mind to resist being fooled. Now, if I can just
figure out some way to justify Halloween--maybe "body
modification day"?

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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