Re: France: Court Rules Frozen Couple Must Be Buried

Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 17:26:29 MST

       Here we still are, feeling disgusted and mainly not doing to much to
help. Exceptions noted.

I feel that this situation has presented the advocates of cryonics with a
very rare and valuable opotunity. It is a chance to unite and show the
popular press and general public that we are a coherent group of like minded
individuals with a dream for the future. That we are seriously looking at the
practical application of a technology that could one day hold the key to
bringing people back for a second chance in a brave new world.
       Am I dreaming or just babbling Sci-Fi ? If I am, then what the hell
are we doing on this list ? Just giving pipe dreams plotlines to novelists ?
       We have a chance to show that Cryonics IS a viable solution, and those
who choose the option to try, should be respected and their rights upheld.
This is the real crux of the problem right here. Rights ?. As a corpse you
have none.
       This is something I have posted about previously and was somewhat
dismayed in the lack of discussion and response to my questions. Again I am
dismayed at the lack of response to the tragedy unfolding in France.
       Surely we are not all just looking after our own backs ?
       Ask yourself one question. When you are locked into a stainless steel
vat, immersed in liquid nitrogen. Who will be looking out for your rights ?
Fellow Extropians ? If the responces so far are anything to go by, I think
you will be mainly on your own.
       I wish I had the finacial resources to help. If I did, I'd be straight
down to Alcor, signing them up.
      Surely there Is there a Cryonics Sympathiser/ Patron who can see the
great PR value of this situation? Someone that would be willing to shoulder
the cost should it come to shipping these folks to a cryonics friendly

       On the legal side. Isn't wishing to be frozen at death 'Giving your
body to Science' ? If being a pioneering cyonaught isnt science, I dont know
what is.


In a message dated 13/03/02 23:22:05 GMT Standard Time,

> Things are confused tonight. The ruling apparently hasn't been
> executed yet. Though the ruling implies it can be excuted any time,
> Rémy Martinot's (the couple's son) lawyer is said to have appealed all
> the same (not sure what it means if the decision is "executory"), and
> aptly argued that (my translation) :
> on the law side, there is a real debate that we have started but
> that has been truncated by this urgent procedure. One shouldn't
> treat such a problem in urgency. I am surprised that the
> administration should be in such a hurry, while, for 18 years, she
> didn't dare to confront the problem [Dr Martinot's wife is frozen
> since 1984]
> and
> my client had a right to a fundamental debate with intervention of
> medical experts and, why not, philosophers
> I had a good contact today with Libération, a major daily newspaper
> here, hopefully they will talk about it.
> Jacques

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