Re: Shopping: Gender difference

Date: Mon Mar 04 2002 - 07:21:54 MST

In a message dated 3/4/02 5:39:54 AM Pacific Standard Time,
writes: On the other hand "The Blokes" went running into the woods, Smashed
some furry thing on the head and imediately dragged it back to the camp.
Where they would imediately sit down on the Mamoth skin couch and stick there
hands in their pants ?. Am I right ? It makes sense to me and just shows we
are still carrying a lot of baggage from our past.

       There is an anthropologist named Lionel Tiger (Tee-ger) from Rutgers
University. As I understand him most of our basic social organizations go
back to practically cave man days. You might like look up some of his work.
Ron h.

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