Re: Natasha's expanded Primo 3M+ website

From: Richard Steven Hack (
Date: Sat Mar 02 2002 - 08:09:52 MST

At 01:15 AM 3/2/02 -0900, you wrote:

>At 12:57 AM 3/1/02 -0900, you wrote:
> >On Fri, 01 Mar 2002 15:25:55
> >Damien Broderick wrote:
> > >I can't find the rude bits. Are there rude bits? Maybe they're all tucked
> > >away inside.
> > >
> > >Damien Broderick
> > >[it would be awful not to have the rude bits]
> >
> >Damien, why would Natasha want rude comments in her website?
>Richard Hack wrote:
>He said rude "bits". not comments! He means what you mean!
>He really did? Wow! Damien once again has confused me with his
>incomprehensible aussie slang! Hey Richard, did the happy face at the
>bottom of my post clue you in to anything?? : )

Missed the happy face - sorry!

> > And do you really think she hid them away somewhere hard to find?? I
> > never even thought Australians enjoyed rudeness! You all seem like such
> > nice people.
>you wrote:
>You haven't been following Russell Crowe's antics lately, eh? Do'oh! I
>forgot - he's a New Zealander! I read on Usenet the Australian press are
>now referring to him as such, having disowned him :-}
>I'm more interested in his films, actually. I do admit to having heard he
>can be very blunt with people. Do you know if he has attacked anyone's
>car with a golf club yet? He and Jack need to hang out together more!

On the alt-gossip-celebrities newsgroup, they are discussing whether Crowe
is as bad as Jack - the consensus seems to be that Jack is cooler... I just
can't figure out why my favorite babe - Jodie Foster (another brilliant
babe!) - supposedly had an affair with such a lout..

> >In my case I think what we needed was more information about the huge
> >nanopowered super sex organs these bodies could sport!! Or perhaps they
> >don't even have sex organs, because they might just link up their nervous
> >systems with medical nanotech. It would give a whole new meaning to
> >"baby, come over here and hold my hand."
> >
> >I bet that's what Natasha had in mind!
> >
> >best wishes,
> >
> >John : )
> >
>you wrote:
>Haven't see it yet, but I bet it looks better than Hans Moravec's "bush" :-}

Went to the site last night and looked - it does look better than Moravec's
"bush" - but I bet Moravec's bush is more powerful...:-}

>you wrote:
>BTW, just saw Natasha' s picture on her site - now that's a Transhuman
>babe! Lucky Max!
>I have to admit the picture of Natasha blew me away, too. My roommate
>actually thought I was looking at a porn site! lol! To be honest, many
>women in their twenties don't have a body that fit and beautiful. So if
>Britney Spears wants to keep her ass, she better have Natasha as her
>trainer! I agree with you that for (multiple) reasons regarding Natasha,
>Max is a very lucky man.
>"Transhuman babe" is such an interesting term... Should it be the Extropy
>Institute equivalent to being a Playboy Playmate? And will there be a
>tasteful "Transhuman babe" centerfold pic for each issue of Extropy
>online? LOL!!

Why not? That will get us "mainstream" faster than anything else will - :-}

>you wrote:
>(Didn't forget you either, Amara - saw your picture with the Terenzi
>interview! And Fiorella is one of my top five favorite babes - I just
>adore brilliant, beautiful babes!)
>I also adore brilliant AND beautiful babes!! : ) But what if a woman is
>only brilliant?? :

I'd be interested but not sexually attracted. Sound shallow? Oh, well...

> ( Within fifty years or less, hopefully all women will get to have both
> incredible qualities. I'll really never get a date then!! lol

Sure you will, cause you'll be using the same tech to improve YOUR looks
(and maybe brains?)

>Actually, right now I'm dating a gal who is pretty incredible. But sadly,
>she has a bunch of Klingons for brothers who want to meet me in person to
>engage in ritual combat(ritual wrestling match!). I guess there is a
>biological basis for this behavior somehow!

Sure - primates - although I don't know that is part of chimpanzee family
behavior - :-}

>Finally, wait till you look at a picture of Gina "Nanogirl" Miller! But
>don't waste your time, she's married now to a top nanotech researcher!

Got a URL for a picture? Marriages break up all the time, you know -
:-} Look at Russell Crowe - :-}

>best wishes,

Richard Steven Hack
Richard Steven Hack

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