Re: hushmail: Can't say I didn't warn them...

From: John Grigg (
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 02:12:18 MST

"Attention General 'LeMay' Lorrey, call back your B-52 email bombers!!" "Secretary of War Hal Finney has new intelligence regarding the supposed enemy!"
Hal Finney wrote:
Did you pay for your account? Most companies I have worked for do not
provide technical support to the people who use the free versions of
their products. They view those more as advertising which will lead
to people eventually being willing to pay.

Of course even a free product is not good advertising if it does not work.
I personally have a free Hush account (although I've never used it for
much) and got through the 2.0 transition OK. So I guess the software
is not 100% broken. Perhaps your account got corrupted in the transition.

"General Lorrey, are you getting this message?" "General Lorrey.......?"

"May God have mercy on the souls in the Land of Hush, because General Lorrey sure won't have any, if he doesn't get this message in time!"


John :)

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