RE: Markets and employment

From: Barbara Lamar (
Date: Tue Dec 25 2001 - 21:26:45 MST

 Damien Broderick wrote:

> I bought my current house three years ago for $A230K. It's now worth over
> $A300, maybe over $A350K

> What would that cost in the States--in, say, SF, Austin or Boston?

Anywhere in central Austin (MLS areas 1-B, 6, 4, 2) a house like that would
go for between $US200,000 and $US400,000 depending on which neighborhood it
was in. You might be able to find a fixerupper for under $US200,000, but
those are getting difficult to find in central Austin. The only housing you
could get for under $US100,000 would be a small, not-very-nice condo.


PanTerra Small Business Strategies

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