Re: Markets and employment

From: Patrick Wilken (
Date: Tue Dec 25 2001 - 01:06:51 MST

From: Randall Randall
>This seems like an odd way to view things. If you get twice as many
>Australian dollars, but the Australian dollars are only worth half as
>much as US Dollars (which must mean that you can only buy half
>as much with an Australian dollar as with a US Dollar, all else being
>equal), then you're making the same as you would in the US, right?

I agree it doesn't seem to make much sense, but the equivalent
non-imported are in general cheaper in Australia. An espresso in
Australia and the US costs about the same number of dollars
(approximately $A2 in Melbourne, approximately $US2 in Starbucks here
in Pasadena). Imported cars, televisions, books etc reflect the
prices of their country of origin. Non-imported goods don't seem to:
so I used to pay $A40 for a haircut in Melbourne, now pay $US35,
likewise food and locally made clothes are equivalent; my earlier
rent in Australia for a one-bedroom place was about $A800, I am now
paying $825 for an approximately equivalent place. Even a bottle of
beer at a bar is about $A3 or $US3.

The great flexibility in the Australian dollar has been major factor
in our being able to weather the economic meltdown in Asia, and more
lately the general global economic downturn.

I am not an economist. I would be most interested in hearing a more
detailed explanation of this. I would have thought that if our dollar
was worth half as much we should live twice as poor, but this
certainly is not the case.

best, patrick

Patrick Wilken  
Postdoctoral Fellow in Biology, Caltech
Editor:        PSYCHE: An International Journal of Research on Consciousness
Board Member:      The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness           

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