RE: `genetic engineering', not

From: Barbara Lamar (
Date: Mon Dec 24 2001 - 20:58:46 MST

Damien Broderick wrote:

> I think this mischievous, or maybe just ignorant, misuse of words needs to
> be combatted every time it arises.

Regardless of whether a procedure does or does not involve genetic
engineering, critics of life-saving medical procedures should not be allowed
to evade the fact that they are condemning ill people to die unecessarily.

I find it interesting that the same people who value the life of human
embryos enough to kill to protect such embryos would simultaneiously condemn
ill children to death.

I wrote the following to *The Australian*


It would be good if critics of using embryo screening and IVF to save lives
would stop and think how they would feel if they had a gravely ill child.
Denying a sick child medical procedures that could save her life is
tantamount to murder.



PanTerra Small Business Strategies

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