Re: `genetic engineering', not

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Dec 26 2001 - 10:27:45 MST

> I think this mischievous, or maybe just ignorant, misuse of words
> ["genetic engineering"] needs to be combatted every time it arises. Of
> course, maybe it's better to let it run unchecked... because then by
> the time people *are* doing real genetic engineering, the boy will have
> cried wolf so often everyone will be heartily sick of the silly noise.

I'm definitely on the latter side of this one: if we allow people to
call this particular use of technology "genetic engineering" even
though it isn't, when /real/ genetic engineering comes around we'll
be better prepared to point to the earlier fearmongering by moral
midgets and the positive results of people justly ignoring them.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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