Re: some U.S. observations and notes

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Dec 15 2001 - 10:12:59 MST

Kai Becker wrote:

> There is, BTW a dispute about the word "fight" of the quoted Koran verse.
> The Al-Azhar university of Cairo, which is for the Islam what the Vatican
> is for Christianity, translates it as something like "a (verbal, mental,
> non-bloody) struggle for the right way", meaning discussion, dispute and
> showing by being a better example. I think, sixhundred years old Arabic
> texts are as difficult to understand as the Qumran parchments. Kai

Cool, this is exactly what I have in mind. Meme warfare in which
we have some means of implanting the notion in OBL and all his
followers that the sacred text exhorts them to fight the west by verbal,
mental, non-verbal struggle. Impress them that they fight us by being
a better example. This is exactly the kind of meme warfare I have in
mind. Now how do we implant that meme? spike

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