Re: some U.S. observations and notes

From: Kai Becker (
Date: Sat Dec 15 2001 - 05:11:09 MST

Am Samstag, 15. Dezember 2001 11:36 schrieb Samantha Atkins:
> I could go into exactly why the Taliban and many in that area
> have reason to hate the US or at least its policies.

One could for example read Noam Chomskys "Rogue States : The Rule of Force
in World Affairs" (ISBN: 0896086119) to get an impression.

There is, BTW a dispute about the word "fight" of the quoted Koran verse.
The Al-Azhar university of Cairo, which is for the Islam what the Vatican
is for Christianity, translates it as something like "a (verbal, mental,
non-bloody) struggle for the right way", meaning discussion, dispute and
showing by being a better example. I think, sixhundred years old Arabic
texts are as difficult to understand as the Qumran parchments.


== Kai M. Becker == == Bremen, Germany ==
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced"

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