Re: Human faithfullness [was Re: Fwd: Lanier essay of 2001.12.04]

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Dec 10 2001 - 13:07:13 MST

> ... what is the Extropian standpoint with regards to a paternity
> test as a grounds for divorce?

I should think that the Extropian stance is that marriage should be
a private contract between free individuals, and the state has no
business getting involved for any reason. Whatever two people agree
to as the terms of their contract is what the courts should enforce.

The only time the state should step into a private contract is when
its terms may affect a third party. Children certainly qualify there,
so I don't think it's unreasonable for the state to have some say on
that front (though what most of them actually do say is pretty stupid).

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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