Rejection and behavior

Date: Sun Dec 09 2001 - 12:04:46 MST

Perhaps learning to dismiss the majoritarian view, might also help? If you
have a more selective opinion of 'group belonging' from the start; perhaps
this could enhance adjustment and assuage pain?

<<Rejection by Peers May Lead to Violent Behavior

By Charnicia E. Huggins NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - For years researchers
have debated whether social exclusion and rejection caused aggressiveness or
resulted from it. Now new study findings, as well as anecdotal evidence from
the recent series of school shootings across America, suggest that social
exclusion or rejection may indeed lead to aggressive behavior, as well as
violence.``Thus, children who might not have been aggressive otherwise will
often become aggressive after they have been rejected by their peers,'' lead
study author Dr. Jean M. Twenge of San Diego State University in California
told Reuters Health... >>

<<Students who were told that the scores from their personality tests
indicated that they would ``end up alone later in life,'' and that their
essay was ``one of the worst'' the reader had read, reciprocated by giving
their partners an extremely low rating--an average 26 on a scale of 10 to
100, the researchers report.``Anticipating a lonely future made people
sharply more harsh and aggressive toward someone who had recently criticized
them,'' the authors write in the December issue of the Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology...>


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