Re: Jupiter's L1

Date: Sun Dec 09 2001 - 11:02:24 MST

mlorrey quiped:

<<Which are quickly followed by range wars... the asteroid ranchers
fighting against the comet herders.... ;) >>

Didn't Heinlein write something similar, in Farnham's Freehold? Tonight on
the Discovery Channel, at 7pm eastern, the computer-animated, Walk With
Prehistoric Animals, will air. Its' a program about the Eon that followed the
elimination of the dinosaurs, as well as 90% of life, following the
Extinction Event of 65 million years ago. Here also, the 'fossil record' will
indicate the transition from herbivore to carnivore, and from hunter to

I wonder why the fellow who objectes to his name being used in other posts,
views ex-humans (Exe's as Moravec calls them) or non-carbonaceous minds, as
being any different, since the laws that force them to compete will not have
changed? Laws, as defined as behavior over resources, physical position in
the sunlight, fusion fuels, trade agreements, ad nasuem.

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