Re: Setting up Ghost Town Communities?

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Wed Nov 14 2001 - 08:20:22 MST

If they can do it, why can't we?

New Vedic City Aims to Create Ideal Municipality

Residents Voted "Yes" on Referendum to Incorporate in state of Iowa
A new city dedicated to creating maximum health, well-being and success
for its inhabitants was approved by residents in a vote late last month.
Located 2 miles north of Fairfield in southeast Iowa, Vedic City is
Iowa's first new city since 1982 and the 950th city in the state.

Vedic City is the first city in the modern world to be based entirely on
the ancient principles of Maharishi Sthapatya-Veda® design and other
aspects of Maharishi Vedic Science. "Veda" is the Sanskrit word meaning
knowledge. Rogers Badgett, one of the city's developers, said Maharishi
Vedic Science is comprised of 40 approaches, including architecture,
community planning, health care, education, music, agriculture, etc. Its
goal, he said, is to bring the life of the individual and society in
tune with the laws of nature and thus gain support of natural law for
every undertaking.

State of Iowa Approved Petition to Incorporate
Earlier this year, the State of Iowa City Development Committee approved
a petition to incorporate the 654-acre site for the new city. The area
currently has over 40 buildings, including The Raj, a nationally known
health spa and clinic based on Maharishi Vedic Medicine, two hotels,
many businesses, housing developments, condominiums, and a Vedic
observatory. More than $30 million has already been spent on development.

Maharishi Vedic Science Programs Attract Families
Over the last 27 years, more than 2,000 individuals and families from
across the US have moved to the neighboring city of Fairfield to take
advantage of the programs offered by Maharishi University of Management.
Founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the University integrates the study of
traditional academic disciplines with the practical technologies of
Maharishi Vedic Science to develop the students' full potential.

"Vedic City will provide this Vedic knowledge to its citizens in every
aspect of their lives and will provide visitors access to Maharishi
Sthapatya-Veda designed hotels, health clinics, and other amenities so
they can also experience improved health and well-being," said Bob
Wynne, a Vedic City developer.

Incorporation of Vedic City will allow financing such as general
obligation bonds that will help the new city to create necessary
infrastructure and municipal services.

The city is projected to grow from 125 to several thousand permanent
residents within a few years and to attract many more to its hotels,
clinics, and other amenities.

For more information, please call 641-469-7000.

Overview of the Unique Components of Vedic City
"The goal of every community should be to promote the highest level of
health, happiness and success for its citizens," said Vedic City
developer Rodgers Badgett. "The profound insights of Maharishi Vedic
Science give us a comprehensive framework for enlightened living. This
city will set the standard for all other cities."

Maharishi Sthapatya-Veda
This science of healthy buildings and enlightened community planning
includes recommendations for building and street orientation, room
placement and dimensioning, landscaping, building materials, etc. Vedic
City and its buildings are built in accord with these principles.

Maharishi Vedic Medicine
Maharishi Vedic Medicine programs provide knowledge and techniques to
unfold the inner intelligence of the body. The Raj, currently a central
amenity of Vedic City, has already gained an international reputation
for its success in addressing a wide range of chronic disorders.

In addition, developers of the new city donated 58 acres to Maharishi
University of Management for the construction of the UniversityÕs
College of Maharishi Vedic Medicine, which recently received $7.9
million in grants from the National Institutes of Health. The College's
Center for Natural Medicine and Prevention is one of 12 specialized
centers of research in complementary and alternative medicine in the
country sponsored by the NIH.

Consciousness-based Education
The new city is just down the highway from Maharishi University of
Management and the Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment (K-12).
Accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the
University offers bachelors, masters, and Ph.D. programs in the
sciences, arts, and humanities and integrates Maharishi Vedic Science
into its curriculum. Research on the University students has shown
improved brain functioning, increased IQ and creativity, less anxiety
and stress and improved health, all fundamental components of a
successful education. Students at the K-12 school consistently score in
the top 1% on standardized achievement tests and have won more than 70
state titles in the past decade. Twenty-five percent of the students in
last year's graduating class were National Merit scholars and finalists.

Maharishi Vedic Observatory
Ancient observatories are found in almost every country in the world
either as physical remains or a myth or legend - Stonehenge in England,
Maachupichu in Peru, and observatories in Mexico, China, Egypt, and
India. The Maharishi Vedic Observatory, which sits on two acres
centrally located in Vedic City, consists of ten full-size working
astronomical instruments based upon ancient designs. The precise
measuring instruments of the observatory reflect in their form and
function the movement of the stars and planets with relation to the
individual, and display this mathematical relationship.

Coherence-Creating Group Meditation
Every morning and afternoon Vedic City residents create a harmonious
influence in the environment through their group practice of the
Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® program, including Yogic
Flying, in the Golden Domes of Maharishi University of Management.
Rodgers Badgett said, "The desire to create perfect health and a
peaceful world and to unfold our full potential is the shared priority
of everyone in this community. It's the purpose of Vedic City."

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