Re: Setting up Ghost Town Communities?

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Fri Nov 09 2001 - 12:59:37 MST

>From: Mike Lorrey <>
>Subject: Re: Setting up Ghost Town Communities?
>Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2001 09:32:11 -0500
>Randy Smith wrote:
> >
> > >From: James Rogers <>
> > >
> > >On 11/5/01 4:15 AM, "cryofan" <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > On Mon, 05 Nov 2001 01:25:17 -0800, you wrote:
> > > >
> > > > The county is also a very important governmental unit in the USA.
> > > >
> > > > Hence, I suggested on Cryonet that cryonicists "take over" Loving
> > > > County, Texas, pop 67. The county seat, Mentone has 20 people.
> > >
> > >
> > >You are correct about the power of counties. However, while it is a
> > >powerful buttress against Federal power (I've argued this before on the
> > >list), it may still be subject to state power which in some states can
> > >as
> > >bad as Federal. Home rule counties are probably the best combination,
> > >it
> > >allows the individual to largely free themselves from Federal and State
> > >level interference if they so choose. I do not know if Texas grants
> > >liberal
> > >home rule rights to counties or incorporated areas. Most of the
> > >intermountain states have counties that have less than a thousand
> > >living in them.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > I am not sure, but the govt in Texas revolves around the county.
> > Federal-->State--> County-->City is the hierarchy. Counties are fairly
> > powerful in Texas, as are quasigovenmental agencies such as water
> > districts.
>So, what is there to Loving County to attract the likes of us?

How very practical of you....

Well, if you are a cryonicist, and you move to Loving Cnty with about 50
other cryos, and a cryo MD, you could have a much better chance at beating

A 60 person voting block controls the county, and all aspects of it,
exclusive of state and federal regs, etc.
Land would be very cheap...very cheap.

We could move in and take over, build a basic hospital and cryo
storage....and maybe make it to the future. Who could stop us...yes,
assisted suicide is still against the law in Texas (and hey, where is the
discussion on Asscroft vs the voters of the state of Oregon? Hmm, what
decent sheep rancher lets his livestock commit suicide, anyway?)

You may not be aware of the fact that county and city regs have often
interfered or even prevented cryos from freezing. THey also impede the
construction of optimal cryo facilities.

Sorry, no libertopias allowed--if it were successful in attracting business
to the area (Huh! Like no one else is in that game...), that would destroy
the voting block.

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