Re: White Male Discrimination and WWW Syndrome

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 07:37:00 MDT

From: Party of Citizens <>

>I am on David Duke's ezine-type list.

A white supremacist? Your true colors?

>No discussion but you can send back comments. As a
>philosopher-psychologist with half of his career spent in
>clinical work, I had to coin "WWW Syndrome" for what I was
>observing. "Whining White Wussy" syndrome. Also, WWW fits the
>never-ending vocalizations of these people...waaaa, waaaa,
>waaaaaaa! Come on guys, buck up. If you don't like the culture as
>it is, design your own.

I was trying to make a point that your tiny brain has obviously

Tell you what POC, next time you're in Chicago, feel free to look
me up.

We'll see who does the whining.....

Till then.



Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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