RE: What is the singularity?

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 20:33:13 MDT

I like Michael Butler's use of the term; however, I had
always myself supposed that Singularity (with a capital
"S") means a few moments of truly global transformation
on Earth, where everyone's life would be affected,
whether they realized it or not.

I was reserving the term "singularity" (small "s") to
be a more watered-down version, in which some *entity*
transcends over a short interval of time into a vast

Clearly these do not correspond very well with Vinge's
original usage. But there may be no going back. --Lee

> From: "Michael M. Butler" <>
>> The working definition I use: _A_ singularity is when
>> everything seems to be happening at once; the rate of
>> change becomes so great as to be incalculable.

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