Re: Any cyborgs out there?

From: Helen Fowle (
Date: Sun Jul 15 2001 - 03:16:42 MDT

Hello all,

I  just wanted to remind people who said that they'd like to help in my work (on cyborgs, transhumans and posthumans) that I will be sending a questionnaire-type thing to them to look at this week. If you are still willing to help as an informant or commentator on my research, could you please get back to me to say so. If you've changed your mind, can you also e-mail me so I can start filtering mail from the extropians mailing list.

Thanks a lot,


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attached mail follows:

Hi everybody,

My name's Helen, and I've just joined the extropy list.
I'd like to ask a favour: I'm currently in the process of looking for
informants to help me in my MA dissertation. I'm studying Sociology at the
University of Reading in England, and would really like to speak to people
who see themselves, or would refer to themselves as cyborgs. My MA will be
looking at the issues of cyborgs and identity, and how the 'cyborg' term has
been approriated by both real cyborgs - in a literal sense, and by non-real
cyborgs - in a metaphorical sense. I'm particularily interested in people
who have been technologically modified e.g. prosthetics, implants, and so
on. and people who are actively seeking to modify themselves through
If you're interested in helping, or even if you just want to comment on my
proposal, please reply ASAP.

P.S. If you don't use the term cyborg, but ! see yourselves as a posthuman or
transhuman, I'd also be interested in speaking/corresponding with you

Thanks for reading this.


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