RE: Global Warming [was RE: Stossel program ...]

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 19:53:01 MDT

Robert J. Bradbury wrote,
> I've looked at what the hosting "Oregon Institute of Science
> and Medicine" is all about and they are doing research on aging
> and attempting to link it into the deamidation of proteins.
> While deamidation is useful as a molecular clock, in determining
> the age of teeth for example, it is *not* involved in aging per se.
> My take: these people have their heads screwed on sideways.
> While I tend to agree with their position, I think their methods
> and reasoning are pretty poor. Half the people on this list
> who haven't even been trained in science could probably make
> a better argument.

I agree that this group seems to have poor science skills. They may have
been scientists in the '70's, but their methods have not kept up since then.

Their review of calorie restriction studies concludes that reduced nutrition
is good. They actually claim that nutrients accelerate cancer growth and
that cancer patients should avoid nutrients. They equate calorie
restriction with poor nutrition and therefore conclude that good nutrition
is bad and bad nutrition is good.

They promote their own brand of "mental and spiritual good health". They
promote survivalist techniques, home schooling and alternative history
books. They believe that current science and history taught in school is
false and have developed their own home-schooling curriculum that teaches
the truth.

Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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