Re: If all the ice melted...

Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 19:56:25 MDT

> >Question: if all the ice on earth melted, how much would the seas rise?
> >spike

According to, the
correct answer is approximately 80 meters. The majority comes from
the glaciers in East Antarctica.

According to, the Statue
of Liberty is 46.5 meters tall, and the granite pedestal it rests on is
19.8 meters tall, for a total of 66.3 meters. Then you'd have to add the
elevation above sea level for the base of the pedestal, perhaps another
10-20 meters? So the depiction of the Statue almost completely submerged,
with just the hand and torch above water, seems reasonably accurate if
the Antarctic ice caps melted (or somehow floated into the ocean).


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