Re: Another No-spoiler review of A.I.

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 10:03:29 MDT

The reviews by the predictably leftie movie reviewers all hated the fact
that real humans were depicted as less humane than the mechas, something
they found to be beyond their 'suspension of disbelief', which is not
the fault of the movie, but the fault of their own bigotry. I predict
that this movie will go down as a seminal cultural moment, where the
majority of the population starts to decide what they really consider
human: an intelligence in a homo sap. body, or any intelligence of equal
or better ability to homo sap. The lines are being drawn between luddite
and transhuman.

Technotranscendence wrote:
> The movie sucked. It was predictable and overly sentimental. The
> characters were unlikeable and, at times, unbelievable. However, the
> camerawork and the special effects were _great_. If only there was a good
> script behind it.

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