LE: Life Extension Update 2001.06.29

From: Technotranscendence (neptune@mars.superlink.net)
Date: Fri Jun 29 2001 - 16:06:17 MDT


LIFE EXTENSION UPDATE EXCLUSIVE: Angiogenesis combats hair loss


FEATURED PRODUCTS OF THE WEEK: Advanced Hair Regrowth Formula, Hair
Regrowth Shampoo


VEGF combats hair loss

The February 19 2001 issue of Journal of Clinical Investigation was the
site of publication of a study conducted by researchers at Massachusetts
General Hospital demonstrating that by increasing angiogenesis, or the
formation of new blood vessels, total hair volume was increased by 70% in
mice. Mice bred to produce high levels of vascular endothelial growth
factor, or VEGF, a protein that stimulates blood vessel growth, grew hair
that was thicker at a faster rate than the controls during their first two
weeks of life, and regrew hair more rapidly after being shaved. The
VEGF-enhanced mice had the same number of hair follicles as the controls,
but the size of the follicles were larger. Blood vessels in these mice
were 40% wider in the skin surrounding the hair follicles than those of
the control mice.

Lead study author Michael Detmar, MD, associate professor of dermatology
at Massachusetts General Hospital explained, "In male pattern hair loss,
it's not that the follicles are gone. They're just miniature follicles.
If anyone could find a way to make the follicles bigger, men might grow
hair again."

An antibody to VEGF was tested on normal mice, who exhibited slower and
thinner hair regrowth after being shaved than controls who did not receive
the antibody. After twelve days, the VEGF-inhibited mice still showed
reduced hair growth.

It is believed that VEGF improves hair growth due to the fact that greater
blood vessel growth supplies increased supplies of growth factors, oxygen
and nutrients to the hair shaft. The increase in scalp circulation
produced by massage may be one reason why it has been reported by some
individuals to aid in hair growth. According to the authors, the results
of the study provide the first direct evidence that improved follicle
vascularization promotes hair growth, and they are working on a technique
to deliver VEGF topically.

Hair Loss

Androgenic alopecia is caused by three factors: advanced age, an inherited
tendency to bald early, and an overabundance of dihydrotestosterone (DHT),
a highly active form of testosterone within the hair follicle.
Testosterone converts to DHT by 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme produced in
the prostate, various adrenal glands, and the scalp. What appears to
happen is that DHT (and perhaps other androgenic hormones) causes the
immune system to react to the hair follicles in the affected areas as
foreign bodies. This is suggested by the presence of hair-follicle
antibodies, as well as by the infiltration of immune system cells around
the hair follicles of balding men (as well as women).

Female-pattern baldness is caused by aging, genetic susceptibility, and
levels of endocrine hormones known as androgens. This type of balding
usually begins around the age of 30 and becomes more noticeable at age 40;
it can be more evident after menopause. Female-pattern baldness usually
causes the hair to thin out all over the head, but rarely progresses to
total or near baldness as it does in men. Females may also suffer hair
loss because of temporary shedding, known as telogen effluvium; breaking
of the hair due to styling treatments and the twisting or pulling of the
hair; alopecia areata, an immune disorder temporarily causing patchy areas
of total hair loss; oral medications; and certain skin diseases.

Since the male hormone dihydrotestosterone is involved in premature hair
loss, scientists have experimented with a wide variety of antiandrogens in
an attempt to prevent or reverse the process. Among the antiandrogens that
have been used to treat hair loss are progesterone, spironolactone
(Aldactone), flutamide (Eulexin), finasteride (Proscar), cimetidine
(Tagamet), serenoa repens (Permixon), and cyproterone acetate
(Androcur/Diane). Of these antiandrogens, the most effective have proven
to be oral finasteride (Proscar) and topical spironolactone, both of which
have been able to grow hair to some degree with minimal side effects.

There are many available agents (such as Rogaine) that can stimulate some
degree of hair growth in some people, but cannot by themselves produce the
kind of health and cosmetic benefits that balding people desire. What's
needed is a multimodal approach that combines antiandrogens with
autoimmune protective agents, oxygen free-radical inhibitors, and other
hair-growth stimulators to halt hair loss and generate hair regrowth to a
degree well beyond the abilities of single compounds.


Advanced Hair Regrowth Formula

Peter Proctor, M.D., Ph.D., the world's foremost authority on hair loss
and baldness, is the only hair treatment practitioner in the world who has
developed unique, patented multi-ingredient hair formulas that address all
the known factors in the balding process. He is the author of over 30
scientific articles and book chapters, and holds several broad patents for
hair loss treatment. Dr. Proctor has a dermatology practice in Houston,
Texas, where he specializes in the treatment of premature balding and
age-related hair loss.

Dr. Proctor's Advanced Hair Regrowth Formula contains a potent dose of a
"natural" minoxidil (NANO) combined with EDRF enhancers, SODases, and free
radical scavengers. This multiagent, natural formula is the most potent
natural hair growth formula you can buy. It includes every type of natural
hair treatment agent available to counter the DHT, autoimmune, and
inflammatory effects which cause baldness. Advanced Hair Regrowth Formula
is a liquid that is applied to the scalp.

Hair Regrowth Shampoo

Over the past 12 years, Dr. Proctor has successfully treated more than
3,500 people of all ages for hair loss and baldness. Dr. Proctor has
already patented "copper-binding peptides" for his hair formulas that are
virtually identical to the compounds in both Tricomin from Procyte and
Pileil from Life Medical Sciences. In Dr. Proctor's formulas, however,
copper-binding peptides are only one component. His multimodal approach
has enabled him to achieve better hair growth results than anyone else. In
fact, Dr. Proctor is so far ahead in hair growth research that both the
Upjohn Corporation and Unilever have had major European hair loss patents
rejected because Dr. Proctor made the discoveries first.

Dr. Proctor's Hair Regrowth Shampoo includes an abundant supply of the
most potent hair growth stimulator available - NANO (3-carboxylic acid
pyridine-N-oxide), which is known as "natural" minoxidil. Hair Regrowth
Shampoo has been shown to work effectively in many people who have not
responded to Rogaine. It may be all you need if you have only experienced
small to moderate hair loss, or if your primary need is for a prophylactic


Be sure to check out daily life extension news headlines appearing around
the world. Life Extension Daily News publishes new items Monday through
Saturday. Get the very latest breakthrough information on the subject
aging, disease, vitamins and nutrition. Today's headlines, for June 29:

AFAR announces 189 new grants for aging research; total 2001 commitment to
the field approaches $10 million

Breast cancer survivors attack new report on self exams

Skin cancer breakthrough: Enzyme might destroy skin damage "bulge" in DNA

Aspirin clue to benefits in fruit

Does vitamin C really damage your DNA?


Life Extension Medical Advisor, Andrew Baer, MD, will be hosting a one
hour chat session. Participants will have the unique opportunity to learn
about integrative medicine and ask health related questions. Please help
us determine the best time for this event by voting below. Go to
www.lef.org to enter your preference.

If you have any questions or comments concerning this issue or past issues
of Life Extension Update, please send them to ddye@lifeextension.com

For longer life,

Dayna Dye
Editor, Life Extension Update
Life Extension Foundation
1 800 841 5433

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