RE: SOC/ECON: Critique of the anti-globalists

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 22:06:17 MDT wrote,
> The problem is, in general there's not always a clear
> distinction between the use of genetic engineering to create
> new strains, and more conventional techniques. Take a look at
>; you will see
> over 175 different varieties of corn being compared in a particular
> area of Illinois. These are all created through selective breeding
> and other techniques, and they will vary in their nutritional profile,
> yield, kernel size, moisture and other parameters. Some of them will
> undoubtedly have more vitamins and minerals than others, some will
> probably have more of certain allergens than others.

Agreed. They contain the same ingredients with more or less of each
ingredient. Even these minor changes in nutrient levels will need to be
noted in the nutritional label. They do not contain any additional
substances that are not usual for corn or are excluded from the label.
Therefore, all of these variations already meet labeling requirements. I
have no problem with how they are labeled.

> I suspect that most genetic modifications won't be as simple as adding
> a gene for beta carotene or immunity to Roundup herbicide. These are
> just the first generation crops where they are making simple changes.
> With time they will be making many more changes, using these new tools
> to craft the crops much more precisely than was possible in the past.
> They'll be able to make the ultimate corn, with just the size, shape,
> flavor, texture, nutritional and growing qualities that are desired.
> How are you going to label that? There may be dozens of gene tweaks
> in there, plus there is probably still going to be old-fashioned
> hybridization and cross breeding as well. Short of providing a complete
> genetic analysis of every ingredient in your food there is no way you're
> going to be able to clearly describe the manipulations.

I don't want the manipulations labeled. I just want the nutritional
substances measured and the basic ingredients listed. If the new strain
adds some new substance not normally found in the plant, it can be listed.
I don't want to see corn with fat, cholesterol, caffeine without it being
listed on the label.

We aren't going to randomly generate manipulations for no reason. New
strains will contain specific chemicals that are designed into the plant.
Any such manipulation would be well-documented. It would be trivial to note
this on the label. I am not wishing for anything difficult or unusual. We
currently have the ability to analyze our food labels and tell what
substances were are getting in each product. I see no reason to lose that
ability due to advanced technology. Technology should give me more control
over my diet, not less.

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