Re: free markets:programing in Opensource

From: Alex F. Bokov (
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 09:15:13 MDT


On 28 Jun 2001, Felix Ungman wrote:

> I just discovered that in the US (ironicallly), intellectual property is granted on the basis of the common good. Here in Sweden its based on the aknowledgement of something akin to a "natural" right of the author to posess control of his works.

Natural rights stem from animal territorial instincts, which in turn evolve
when an animal is able to protect resources at a cost less than the value
of those resources to an animal. You do NOT have a natural right to that
which you cannot plausibly defend, and I have yet to see a robust scheme
for defending intellectual "property".

At any rate, common good, individual good, ethics, justice, etc. have
nothing to do with my position in the intellectual property debate. I
have the opinion that open content materials have a selective
advantage and we have three ways to respond-- adapt; fail to adapt;
rely on government to postpone the time when we will have to either
adapt or fail.

For a while now, I've had an idea for an alternate-history novel,
where in the early 1900's, the wagon manufacturers succeeded at
pressuring the governments and FUDing the public into rejecting the
automobile, and the course of history thereafter. I bet one could get
quite a bit of satirical mileage out of this... I just wish I had more
time. If there are any people with better writing skills or more time
lurking, feel free to steal my idea and write the novel in my stead.

> Alex F. Bokov wrote:
> >Felix:
> >> Otherwise we'll be doomed to a life as the self-supporting farmer on
> >> the open commons of computation.
> >
> >I don't know why it would be so bad to be a self-supporting
> >info-farmer.
> Ever heard of the Tragedy of the computational commons?

I'm afraid that I haven't. Please enlighten me.

- --

Malcolm X 12th Group Koresh
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