regarding great Extro-5 speakers and quotes

From: John M Grigg (
Date: Wed Jun 27 2001 - 18:16:22 MDT

I also really enjoyed those quotes by Robert Bradbury and Jerry Lemler. But, one speaker who has not gotten due credit is professor and science fiction writer Greg Bear. During the panel Q & A phase he over and over again tried to explain the importance of not simply WINNING a discussion in the mass media but coming off as a "nice person" so that the public will see through the demonization attempts of our opponents.

He wanted the public to walk away with the thought that, "well, I disagree with some of their transhumanist ideas, but I can see where they are coming from, and, in fact, think they are just plain good folks!"

Perhaps others here can better remember exactly what he said. I for one was very impressed. In another life Greg Bear would have been one hell of a public relations director! lol

best wishes,


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