Re: sim general

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat Jun 23 2001 - 06:53:38 MDT

Spike Jones wrote:
> Mike Lorrey wrote:
> > Just as Generals always prepare for the last war and not the next war,
> > people are always most protective of the last persecuted group, not the
> > next or the current persecuted group
> This is actually a new topic of sorts, but I feel I must interject a
> comment. I see your point about protecting the last persecuted
> group and agree, but I very strongly disagree that generals always
> prepare for the last war. That was likely true at one time, but is
> most surely not true today. The guys that make flag rank are the
> often the ones most creative in their thought experiments about
> future conflicts. I can assure you, there are no dummies with that
> much brass on the shoulder, or if so I sure have never encountered
> one. Having a clear vision of the future is a key factor in trading the
> eagles for stars.
> Mike if you could see some of the computer sims the generals
> have running today it would blow your mind. Those guys are
> thinking 10 years out, 20 years, 50. They are modelling nanotech-
> based conflicts, and it would not surprise me a bit to learn they
> are struggling with a concept very close to what we call the
> singularity. They grok. spike

Well, then there is hope for them, at least some of them. I do get
concerned when special forces guys I know talk about how ignorant of our
needs for unconventional forces most general officers/admirals really
are. I'm sure there are some War College guys who are doing damn fine
sims, but at the same time there are idiots running material/logistics
commands who think a $50 rebreather is just as good for our SEALS as a
$400 one... while there are visionaries who 'get it', I can guarantee
you that there are plenty of idiots in the system who will screw up the
implementation. Imagine: is this $50 blue goo as effective against grey
goo as $400 blue goo?

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