Re: BOOKS: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Jun 23 2001 - 05:03:21 MDT

"Amara D. Angelica" wrote:
> > Transhumanism has no
> > place for spirituality in their minds.
> See "Tracing the synapses of spirituality"
> for interesting neuroscience
> explanations
> of the "spiritual" experience.

Of course an explanation of the neuroscience associated with
a spiritual experience no more explains it exhaustively or
its full meaning than readouts of your brain state during
and orgasm capture that experience. For all I know the Cosmic
wired many of its evolved independent sentients to be able to
to a level suggesting something outside their normal point of

I find it interesting that if such an SI did exist and you
for a moment to its viewpoint or some aspect of it very
different from
your normal human one, then you would sound very much like all
mystics that many would like to explain away or dismiss. Not
evidence that something is there but interesting nonetheless.

- samantha

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